Membership is open to anyone with an interest in genealogy, family history or Monmouth County roots. Annual membership begins the month dues are paid.
Benefits of Membership...
Bi-monthly general meetings with interesting programs
Bi-Monthly Fireside Roots meetings on diverse topics
Bi-monthly electronic newsletter The Monmouth Connection
One FREE query per year in The Monmouth Connection
Discount on workshops
Genealogical materials for purchase relating to Monmouth County
Access to MCGS members-only web pages
Special Interest Groups (African-American, Cemetery, DNA, German, Memoirs, Monmouth Roots, and Irish/Scots-Irish)
You may join by printing this form, completing the form and sending it with your check in the amount of $25 for an individual membership or $35 for a family membership. If you join online the membership increases by $1.00, Individual is $26 & Family is $36.
Make checks payable to Monmouth County Genealogy Society and mail to:
P.O. Box 5, Lincroft, NJ 07738-0005
OR simply purchase it online below: